Upload your image

how to order  - ultimate custom mouse pads
Upload any images, logos, ideas - in any quality, and we will create you an amazing design for you. 

Leave us instructions on how to create your design, or let us do it for you. All design work is FREE with any order.

How to upload: 

  1. Upload your image(s) using the upload tool above the cart button. You can upload as many elements as you like here. 

  2. Select the size, thickness and features - and complete your order. 

  3. Please leave any instructions for our designers, example: arranging multiple images into one design, resizing your design etc in the order notes box, our live chat, or email us

  4. Our designers will be in touch with you shortly afterward! If your design is ready for printing, we will get that sent away within 24hours

Please read our full desk mat creation guide for further information